PMI Books24x7 (eReads and Reference) is Dead

2 minute read    Updated:    Harwinder Singh

PMI Books24x7 Permanently Shutdown

For the past few days, PMI’s Books24x7 site has been down. The website says “We’re Sorry - will be back soon.” This website used to provide more than 250 project management books, many of which are extremely useful for PMP, CAPM, and PMI-ACP exam prep. The access to this website was free for PMI members and was one of the top benefits of PMI membership. I have several blog posts that link to this site. I waited for a few days and finally sent a message to PMI on Twitter enquiring about the status.

Here’s the exchange with @PMInstitute on Twitter:

As you can see from their response, PMI has culled Books24x7 access for PMI members. This is a big setback for PM certification aspirants because the site was a great knowledge resource not just for PM certification, but also for project management in general. It had a good collection of books from Vijay K. Verma on Human Aspects of Project Management, it had books with free sample questions for PM certification exams, and it had several other useful books on project management. The content for many of my blog posts was developed through research done with these books.

PMI cited “low usage” as the reason for shutting down Books24x7. Let’s do a quick survey and find out how true that is.

Did you use PMI Books24x7 as a PMI Member?

PMI has mentioned as an alternative. I’ve read a few useful articles on that site, but I’m yet to explore it thoroughly. I’ll spend some time to review the resources available on that site and post my findings in near future. Stay tuned.

I’m currently not a PMI member. But I’m curious to know whether PMI sent an announcement to the active members on this move. My membership expired last year and I was planning to renew it again in a few months. Personally, I’m disappointed at the loss of this resource. Are you disappointed as well or does it not matter to you? Please comment below and express your views. I’m interested to hear what you think.

Image credit: Facebook

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I did not receive any message about discontinuation of eReads & References. I found this resource very useful. I had used it during the preparation of PMP. There were many books which I used as a reference frequently. It is quite sad to know that PMI has discontinued it, without providing any better replacement.

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Thanks for the information that this service was discontinued. When I tried to access it, I received the message that this was "an unexpected system issue and are working to resolve the problem as quickly as possible." This appears that it is temporary. Even prior to cutoff, I found it hard to locate the service without actually searching for eReads. It was a very good benefit of membership.

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I was pinning my hopes on using books24x7 for gathering more knowledge on the subject. I got my PMP last dec and I renewed it and this resource was one of the major reasons I renewed it! What a shame?